Monday, April 11, 2011

The Last Crystal Skull is Found!

The centuries old enigma of the Crystal Skulls continues. Judging from the history and mystery around them, it seems clear that these objects are an part of a Renaissance ARG. One of the many actual Da Vinci Code like mysteries that flourished in the 16 century Europe. Certainly the engineering stinks of Freemasonry. While many claim the skulls to be of Mayan origin, carbon dating puts them at 500 years old, well after the collapse of the Mayan Empire. 

The Mirror quoting German news sources claim that this last skull was discovered on the roof of an old Bavarian estate. Measurements cannot be confirmed at this point, but the German news source said the weight was substantial – heavy enough to make it one of the most valuable jewels ever discovered by serendipity. Many in the New Age movement suggest the discovery confirms the nearing the end of days. According to the legend, collecting all thirteen crystal skulls in one location will bring about the saving of the human race amidst a quickly unfolding Doomsday. As we all now know, the gifted Mayan astronomers and mathematicians, calculated the “end of days” - to take place during the winter solstice, December 21, 2012. Until this week, only twelve of the thirteen skulls had been discovered.

There are also suggestions that the ancient skull thought to have belonged to Hitler’s SS chief Heinrich Himmler, may somehow be related to a cache of lost Nazi treasure that was hidden at some point during World War II or its aftermath.

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